Wednesday, March 11, 2009


How can some people be so completely oblivious in the way they act? Do they really not see how what they do effects other people? Do they really not see the pain they cause? Really can't see what they're doing?

There are many really starting to drive me nuts and I don't know if it's warranted or if I'm just being an asshole. It's people that I love and care about, but I really can't stand what they're doing. Saying one thing, turning around doing the opposite. Lieing to my face. Telling me one thing and meaning quite the opposite. Cut it out.

I don't know if I'm the only one experiencing this or if it's happening to you too, but I hate it. I want to be happy and enjoy the last few months I'm spending with you guys, but it makes it ridiculously hard when everything coming out of your mouth is pissing me off. I can't tell if it's just because of all the shit going on right now or what, but I want it to stop. 

Recently I've started to hate everything I do, am I guitly of everything I'm complaining about?

Ever carried the weight of another?
For how long?
I walk as far as they need to recover
For how long?

I want to carry a piece of who I was before
So when I hit the wall, I really hit the wall
I want to tear away the death again
A whiter shade of fucking meth again
I want to stick to clues, I want to come unglued
I want to shape the world to fit the way you move
Oh, should I listen for a dress size?

I owned up, I've grown up, do you remember me?
I showed up and so what if I'm the used to be
I'm here to tell you that I'm sorry I was sorry
But I'm happy that you're happy
This is no longer about me

Trade rules, switch sides for your beautiful eyes
Let him be you through your beautiful cries
Let him hold you up so you can touch affordable skies
Live your life just like a dream
Without the pain of goodbyes

So to my friends that even call but I don't call back
I want you deep inside my heart upon a hill
It seems to hide sometimes and run away and wonder
I'm really sick of saying sorry but I will

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