Sunday, February 8, 2009

If we could only please be on our way, I would not run.

That's when things got out of control.

Damn I don't even know where I'm going with this. Just feels like I have something to say. Date Rape seemed as good a place to start as any.

God I have the worst luck sometimes. This week has been such a mix of good and bad. I passed out giving blood, lost a fight with a floor, still can't breathe out of my nose right, almost just red ringed my xbox (again), and to top it off, got stung by a bee IN a movie theater. HOW? I guess I take the good with the bad though. I kicked the english final's ass, pulled decent on my synthesis, and had a ridiculously fun weekend between basketball, gov (who knew it could be fun?), hiking and a movie.
It just seems like I'm missing that one thing that will make it all click.

I blame it on my timing. That's something to hold on to for later though.

It feels like I'm so close to finally being where I want to be, but I don't know how to take that next step. Knowing me, by the time I do, that opportunity will be long gone. And I don't want to miss it again.

She got down on hands and knees, one ear against the ground, 
Holding her breath to hear something, but the dirt made not a sound tonight

Echoes of songs still lurk on distant foreign shores, where we
Danced just to please the gods that only ask for more, and so it goes

But still we give ourselves to this
We can't spend our lives waiting to live

On cold nights
In a prayer for dawn
But daylight
Isn't what she wants

The concrete
Calls my name again
I'm falling
Through the cracks I slip

The postcard says wish you were here
But I'd rather I was there, holding
On to the simple things before they disappear, that's what I meant

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